Monday 6 February 2017

Enel Green Power closes 2016 with a record-breaking 2 GW of renewable energy capacity built

 EGP’s 160 MW Finis Terrae solar PV park in Chile was completed in 2016

Enel Green Power (EGP, Rome, Italy), Enel’s global renewable energies division, has made 2016 a record-breaking year after building an all-time high 2,018 MW of new capacity in the last 12 months.
The record obtained last year is a major achievement for EGP, which more than doubled its result from 2015, when just over 900 MW of capacity were built.

Three-digit MW PV plants in Chile and Brazil
In Chile, as well as the 160 MW Finis Terrae solar PV park, EGP completed another 382 MW of solar and wind power have been put online, adding up to a total of 542 MW.
In South Africa, more than 470 MW of solar and wind projects have been completed.
Following last year’s achievements, EGP is now looking ahead to a new year and new commitments, which will see it place a particular focus on the United States and Brazil.
In Brazil EGP is building the Ituverava solar PV plant, a major facility with a capacity of 254 MW in the State of Bahia, which is due to enter into service in the first half of 2017.
In the same country, the 292 MW Nova Olinda PV plant, which once completed will be the largest solar park ever built by EGP, is also under construction.

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