Friday 3 March 2017

Amazon to install large-scale solar systems on 50 facilities by 2020

Amazon just announced plans to install 41 megawatts worth of solar power on the roofs of its US facilities this year. The project is part of amazon’s larger initative to install solar systems on 50 of its order fulfillment facilities around the globe by 2020.

amazon, solar power, clean energy, green power, renewable energy, ecommerce,  amazon installing solar panels on buildings,amazon installs 41 megawatts “As our fulfillment network continues to expand, we want to help generate more renewable energy at both existing and new facilities around the world in partnership with community and business leaders,” said Dave Clark, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Operations. “We are putting our scale and inventive culture to work on sustainability—this is good for the environment, our business and our customers. By diversifying our energy portfolio, we can keep business costs low and pass along further savings to customers. It’s a win-win.”
The solar projects planned for this year will see a total of 41 megawatts installed on the rooftops of Amazon facilities in California, New Jersey, Maryland, Nevada and Delaware. Depending on various factors, the solar installations could provide the facilities with up to 80% of the energy needed to run.

Pumped Hydro Storage Could Secure 100% Renewable Electricity For Australia


A new report has found that pumped hydro storage could help secure a 100% renewable electricity future for the Australian electricity grid.
A new study published this week by the Australian National University (ANU) claims that pumped hydro storage could be used to help build a secure and cheap Australian electricity grid with 100% renewable energy sources. Specifically, the 100% renewable energy grid would rely primarily on wind and solar PV technology, and supported by off-river pumped hydro storage.
Lead researcher Professor Andrew Blakers from ANU also believes that this system would eliminate the need for coal and gas-fired power.
“With Australia wrestling with how to secure its energy supply, we’ve found we can make the switch to affordable and reliable clean power,” said Blakers, with the ANU Research School of Engineering.
The scenario put forward in the report estimates wind and solar PV contributing 90% of annual electricity, together with existing hydroelectricity and biomass sources contributing the remaining 10%. The report depicted an energy mix based on widely spread wind and solar sources to take advantage of different weather systems. The energy balance between supply and demand is maintained by adding sufficient pumped hydro storage and high voltage transmission, as well as excess wind and solar PV capacity.
“We term the cost of these additions as the levelised cost of balancing (LCOB). LCOB plus the levelised cost of annual generation (LCOG), combine to give the levelised cost of electricity (LCOE),” the authors of the report write.
“Using 2016 prices prevailing in Australia, we estimate that LCOB is AU$28/MWh, LCOG is AU$65/MWh and LCOE is AU$93/MWh. This can be compared with the estimated LCOE from a new supercritical black coal power station in Australia of AU$80/MWh. Much of Australia’s coal power stations will need to be replaced over the next 15 years. LCOE of renewables is almost certain to decrease due to rapidly falling cost of wind and PV. With PV and wind in the price range of AU$50/MWh, the LCOE of a balanced 100% renewable electricity system is around AU$75/MWh.”
Interestingly, the report takes its figure for new supercritical black coal power stations from a report published in 2015 by CO2CRC  — “the only company in Australia to have undertaken carbon capture and storage as an emissions reduction technology from end to end.” While the figures need not necessarily be called into question as a result of this, a more recent report published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) earlier this year showed that the Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCoE) of new ultra-supercritical coal-fired power in Australia currently sits somewhere between AUD$134-$203/MWh — compared to current LCoE for new build wind (AUD$61-$118/MWh), solar (AUD$78-$140/MWh), and combined-cycle gas (AUD$74-$90/MWh).
This serves only to further the underlying case of the ANU report, by decreasing the LCoE of wind and solar, and highlighting the gap between new-build coal and new-build renewables.
This is vitally important in Australia especially, considering that many coal-fired power plants around the country are set to reach the end of their operational lifespan in the next 15 years, and would need to be replaced regardless of environmental and climate concerns. This only serves to heighten the role that renewable energy can play in Australia’s energy mix, and increases the need for policy and business support for the development of the renewable energy industry in the country.
Researchers from ANU are also working to map potential short-term off-river pumped hydro energy storage (STORES) sites that could support a larger share of renewable energy in the grid. STORES sites are pairs of reservoirs, around 10 hectares each, which are separated by an altitude difference of a around 300 and 900 meters, in hilly terrain, and connected via a pipe with a pump and turbine. According to Dr Matthew Stocks from the ANU Research School of Engineering, STORES needs much less water than power generated from fossil fuel, and had a minimal impact on the environment because the water is recycled between small reservoirs.
“This hydro power doesn’t need a river and can go from zero to full power in minutes, providing an effective method to stabilise the grid,” he said.
“The water is pumped up from the low reservoir to the high reservoir when the sun shines and wind blows and electricity is abundant, and then the water can run down through the turbine at night and when electricity is expensive.

Georgia Power’s “Simple Solar” Offers Solar Electricity At 1¢/kWh Premium

Georgia Power is rolling out a new voluntary solar energy program known as Simple Solar for customers who want to support solar energy development but do not want to (or can’t) install a rooftop solar system on their homes. Signing up is simple. Just go to, fill in some basic account information, and click the right button. You’re done. Participants agree to pay 1¢ per kilowatt-hour over and above the standard rate for electricity.
solar power in Georgia
“This initiative is the latest evolution of our efforts to advance renewable energy in the state while also creating economical services and solutions for customers who want to help grow solar energy,” said Norrie McKenzie, vice president of renewable development for Georgia Power. “Solar energy continues to offer tremendous potential for powering Georgia and we are committed to helping our customers find the solar option that works best for them.”
The interesting thing is that solar is largely now cheaper than everything except wind in the United States, which makes it odd that you have to pay a premium for it, but hey, maybe we’re missing something. Perhaps it is just that getting electricity from new power plants — whatever the source — means not using/paying for electricity from old, non-solar power plants?
The Simple Solar program was designed in cooperation with the Georgia Public Service Commission to encourage solar development. GPSC has approved the plan. Georgia Power uses the 1¢ per kilowatt-hour fee to purchase renewable energy credits from certified solar generation sources. Because purchases are tied to subscriptions, customers who volunteer are directly supporting the growth of solar and solar generators throughout the region.
Simple Solar has several subscription tiers available including Large Volume and Special Event purchase options. Hundreds of residential and business customers have already subscribed. Toto USA is a Georgia manufacturer known for its sustainability efforts and renewable goals. It was the first customer to match 100% of its monthly usage through the Large Volume option.
“We are pleased to increase our commitment to match 100% of our usage through Georgia Power Simple Solar,” says Bill Strang, president of operations and e-commerce for the company. “Our partnership with Georgia Power allows us to provide both a return on investment with cost effective electricity and a return on environment with sustainable solar energy.” Georgia Power expects to add up to 1,600 MW of additional renewable energy capacity by 2021.

Another record year for utility-scale solar takes cumulative capacity close to 100 GW

Wiki-Solar does not expect the cumulative total to break 100 GW until 2017

A new annual record for new utility-scale installations – almost 35 gigawatts – was set in 2016 according to figures released on March 2nd, 2017 by This took cumulative installations close to the 100 GW milestone.

North America up 129%, Europe down by over 50%
At the continental level, results were more patchy. North America was up 129% on 2015, thanks to a mammoth December in the USA, when almost 3 GW of new capacity was registered in just one month. Asia again accounted for about 2/3 of the new capacity with 57% growth, as India joins China amongst the top utility-scale markets. Europe, by contrast, was down by over 50% as its last major market, the UK, was hit by adverse government action. Africa and South America both grew by over 200%; Australasia stayed level, while promising more in the future.
“We thought we might just make the cumulative 100 GW milestone, when we saw the Chinese, American and Indian figures come in”, says Wiki-Solar founder Philip Wolfe, “but in the end the global total finished the year just short, at 96 GW. So expect to break through the magic 100 GW milestone any day now – probably when this month’s figures are in.”

PV market in 2017 harder to predict
Wolfe believes we could be heading for yet another record year in 2017, but says it is getting harder to predict. “The pipeline still looks strong, especially in India and Chile, while Brazil and Australia should soon be delivering more new capacity. But the demise of the European market is disappointing, and we have to hope that the U.S. remains buoyant after the change of federal administration.”
These results are based on data published by the end of February 2017. Wiki-Solar notes that the figures tend to creep further upwards as later information is published, but does not expect the cumulative total to break 100 GW until 2017, because data for the three main markets of China, the USA and India is already in.

Solar-Log now monitors 11 GW; 260,000 solar PV plants world-wide

 Solar-Log is compatible with over 100 inverter brands
According to GTM Research report, 'Global PV Monitoring 2016-2020: Markets, Trends and Leading Players', Solar-Log is the largest independent software vendor for residential and commercial solar PV monitoring.
Last month, Solar-Log surpassed 260,000 plants monitored world-wide, solidifying its position as the global market leader in these segments.

Over 1 million inverters connected to Solar-Log
Installers, plant operators and owners across the globe have placed their trust in Solar-Log to maximize plant performance and safeguard their solar investment. Over 1 million inverters are now connected to Solar-Log in over 90 countries, for a total generating power of 11 GW. “Continuous growth confirms the system's high level of recognition from EPC/installers and PV plant operators,” reads the press release.
Anthony Conklin was recently named President of Solar Data Systems, Inc., makers of Solar-log. “We like to say 'been there done that',” says Conklin when discussing solar PV monitoring, “Our leading position means we have more experience and more expertise than any other solar PV monitoring company on the planet. We have 10 years of experience and a global fleet as a reference base to identify and recommend the best monitoring solution to fit the needs of the local plant operator. It is rare that we come across a challenge that we haven't already over-come in another location.”

Solar-Log is compatible with over 100 inverter brands
Solar-Log is compatible with over 100 inverter brands. The system provides fleet management and real-time PV plant error detection and performance data. The solar monitoring platform integrates inverters, batteries, heat pumps, consumption meters and numerous other devices to maximize solar PV plant performance, optimize self-consumption, and provide intelligent grid feed-in control.
Solar Data Systems, Inc. is a fully owned subsidiary of Solare Datensysteme GmbH (Binsdorf, Germany), a subsidiary of BKW AG (Bern, Switzerland).

Thursday 2 March 2017

SolarEdge rolls out complete residential solution throughout Europe

Making solar systems smarter, SolarEdge is showcasing its complete residential solution

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (Herzelya Pituach, Israel), a manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (PV) inverters, power optimizers, and module-level monitoring services, on March 1st, 2017 announced that it is rolling out its new complete residential solution throughout Europe.
Combining PV inverter, storage and home automation, the complete residential solution manages and monitors solar energy generation, electricity consumption, energy storage, and device control that enables homeowners to increase self-consumption and energy independence, reads the press release.
“Our new residential offering covers a wide variety of homeowner needs that range from increased production and maximizing self-consumption to home automation,” stated Alfred Karlstetter, General Manager of SolarEdge Europe.

Award-wining HD-Wave single-phase inverter
Making solar systems smarter, SolarEdge is showcasing its complete residential solution that includes its award-wining HD-Wave single-phase inverter, as well as its StorEdge solution, device control suite, and its new three-phase residential inverter.
StorEdge-ready and supporting device control, SolarEdge’s HD-Wave inverter topology is record breaking for its 99% weighted efficiency.  
It is a power-packed inverter that is dramatically smaller and lighter than standard inverters. Compatible with leading battery solutions, Tesla’s Powerwall and LG Chem, SolarEdge’s StorEdge solution allows home owners to maximize self-consumption and energy independence by managing and monitoring energy production, consumption, and storage.
SolarEdge’s device control suite shifts consumption to meet PV production patterns and includes a plug-in socket with metering, switch with metering, dry contact switch, and an immersion heater controller. Also included in the rollout are SolarEdge’s new three-phase inverters, which are lighter, quieter, smaller, and more efficient.
SolarEdge will be presenting its new residential portfolio at Energiesparmesse in Wels, Austria; BePositive in Lyon, France; and Solar Solutions in the Netherlands.
SolarEdge has also launched an EU-wide roadshow that showcases its newest innovative solutions and services for domestic and commercial PV systems.
 The initiative will pay the installation costs for rooftop or top-of-pole mounted systems on school property
As part of a USD 300,000 grant, Duke Energy (Chalrlotte, NC, U.S.) on March 1st, 2017 announced it would pay 100 percent of the funds needed to install a solar photovoltaic (PV) system at seven North Carolina schools.
Schools applied for the grants last year. Working with Raleigh-based nonprofit NC GreenPower and modeled after its Solar Schools program, the initiative will pay the installation costs for rooftop or top-of-pole mounted systems on school property.
The program also provides monitoring equipment, training and curriculum to students and teachers.
“These systems will give students a chance to see solar power production firsthand and allow them to learn more about this energy resource,” said David Fountain, Duke Energy's North Carolina president.
“North Carolina is second in the nation for installed solar power. These seven schools will now be part of the state's success story.”
Any K-12 North Carolina school served by Duke Energy Carolinas was eligible to apply for the grant. NC GreenPower will use approved solar installation companies to manage the installation process. 

SolarEdge rolls out complete residential solution throughout Europe

 Making solar systems smarter, SolarEdge is showcasing its complete residential solution
SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (Herzelya Pituach, Israel), a manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (PV) inverters, power optimizers, and module-level monitoring services, on March 1st, 2017 announced that it is rolling out its new complete residential solution throughout Europe.
Combining PV inverter, storage and home automation, the complete residential solution manages and monitors solar energy generation, electricity consumption, energy storage, and device control that enables homeowners to increase self-consumption and energy independence, reads the press release.
“Our new residential offering covers a wide variety of homeowner needs that range from increased production and maximizing self-consumption to home automation,” stated Alfred Karlstetter, General Manager of SolarEdge Europe.

Award-wining HD-Wave single-phase inverter
Making solar systems smarter, SolarEdge is showcasing its complete residential solution that includes its award-wining HD-Wave single-phase inverter, as well as its StorEdge solution, device control suite, and its new three-phase residential inverter.
StorEdge-ready and supporting device control, SolarEdge’s HD-Wave inverter topology is record breaking for its 99% weighted efficiency.  
It is a power-packed inverter that is dramatically smaller and lighter than standard inverters. Compatible with leading battery solutions, Tesla’s Powerwall and LG Chem, SolarEdge’s StorEdge solution allows home owners to maximize self-consumption and energy independence by managing and monitoring energy production, consumption, and storage.
SolarEdge’s device control suite shifts consumption to meet PV production patterns and includes a plug-in socket with metering, switch with metering, dry contact switch, and an immersion heater controller. Also included in the rollout are SolarEdge’s new three-phase inverters, which are lighter, quieter, smaller, and more efficient.
SolarEdge will be presenting its new residential portfolio at Energiesparmesse in Wels, Austria; BePositive in Lyon, France; and Solar Solutions in the Netherlands.
SolarEdge has also launched an EU-wide roadshow that showcases its newest innovative solutions and services for domestic and commercial PV systems. 

Panasonic solar PV module adopted for Toyota's new Prius PHV

“HIT Photovoltaic Module for Automobile”
Panasonic Corporation (Osaka, Japan) on March 1st, 2017 announced that it has recently developed the “HITsolar photovoltaic (PV) module for automotive applications, which was adopted for the new Prius PHV released in February 2017 by Toyota Motor Corporation.
In addition, Panasonic’s automotive prismatic lithium-ion batteries were adopted for the drive batteries, as with the Prius PHV that was released in 2012.
The use of the features of Panasonic’s solar cells allow a high output (approx.180 W) in a limited area on a car’s roof, enabling the charging of the drive lithium-ion batteries as well as 12 V batteries, resulting in a possible extension of an EV’s travel distance and increased in fuel economy, the company notes.
Furthermore, Panasonic has developed technologies to laminate three-dimensional curved glass to match the new Prius PHV’s elegant body design, achieving the installation of modules on the roof without impairing the advanced design.

SolarAfrica delivers East Africa’s largest industrial solar PV system

The solar PV system will reduce approximately 24 000 litres of diesel each year
South Africa based company SolarAfrica on February 28th, 2017 announced the official handover of a 991 kWp solar photovoltaic (PV) hybrid system developed for Kenya’s largest salt producer, Krystalline Salt Limited.
The solar energy system is expected to generate approximately 1.6 gigawatt-hours of solar power per year, saving Krystalline around 22% of their electricity costs.
SolarAfrica partnered with SMA Sunbelt and Kenyan based installation partners, Harmonic Systems to construct and execute the project.
“Advanced technology ensures the effective integration of the SMA Fuel Save Controller with the PV system, grid electricity and diesel generators allowing for complete utilisation of solar power for the factory,” reads the press release.
The system will reduce approximately 24 000 litres of diesel each year.
“Even while constructing the factory, we had planned space for a PV system to reduce our carbon footprint and the amount of electricity generated with diesel generators,” says Deepak Patel, Managing Director of Krystalline Salt Limited.
“I am very happy that the PV Hybrid System entered operation ahead of schedule and we can save 22% of our annual electricity costs in the future thanks.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Here's What 4 Million Solar Panels in China Look Like From Space


The world's largest solar farm covers 10 square miles (26 square kilometres) and now has 4 million solar panels.
It's the Longyangxia Dam Solar Park in China, which has the capacity to generate 850 megawatts of electricity - enough to power roughly 140,000 homes.
Here's what the complex, built in 2013, looked like then compared to how it looked in January 2017, in photos from the NASA Observatory.
China has vowed to invest more in green energy to help combat its pollution levels, and as a result has pledged to halt the growth of its annual greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 under the Paris Climate Agreement.
Last year, China invested US$103 billion into renewable energy, and in 2016, its total installed capacity was 77 gigawatts, which pushed the country well ahead of other leaders in renewables such as Germany, Japan, and the US.
However, Longyangxia may not be the largest solar power plant for long.
According to Bloomberg, there is a project planned for the Ningxia region of Northwest China which will have a capacity of 2000 megawatts when it's completed.

Breakthrough research for testing and arranging vertical axis wind turbines

While a single VAWT is not as energy-producing as an individual HAWT, the wind flow synergies created in a closely-spaced array of VAWTs can potentially generate up to 10 times more power per unit of land area than an array of widely-spaced HAWTs.
The sight of propeller-like rotating blades positioned high up the pole of a tall horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) may be familiar to many. Often grouped in wind farms, HAWTs provide significant amounts of energy for local communities. One drawback to HAWTs is the large space they take up, needing to be placed far apart from each other. If placed too close together, the turbulence and wind velocity deficit caused by one HAWT can make a neighboring HAWT output much less power.
To address this, researchers are looking at vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs), which could be either arranged in groups or interspersed within HAWT arrays. A VAWT has an overall cylindrical shape, with the blades aligned parallel to, and rotating around, the pole on which the rotor is mounted. These "egg-beater" VAWTs tend to be much smaller than the "propeller" HAWTs, typically about 10 times shorter in height, and output only about 0.1 percent as much power per turbine.
Anna Craig, a mechanical engineering doctoral candidate at Stanford University, and her research team recently studied modeling VAWT array arrangements, the results of which they report this week in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, by AIP Publishing.
While a single VAWT is not as energy-producing as an individual HAWT, the wind flow synergies created in a closely-spaced array of VAWTs can potentially generate up to 10 times more power per unit of land area than an array of widely-spaced HAWTs.
"For the vertical axis wind turbines, what you get, especially as you place them in close transverse proximity to each other, is that they can actually interact positively," Craig said. "Although it is still an active area of research, we think that the VAWTs can have blockage effects causing speedup around the turbines that helps downstream turbines. They can also have vertical wind mixing in the turbine's wake region, which assists in the wind velocity recovery."
Craig said researchers agree that there is more research to be done on VAWTs before they can be deployed at an energy sector scale. However, Craig and her colleagues provided significant insights into one central VAWT challenge: how to research, test and develop insights for effective array arrangements. They did this in a lab experiment because field testing is currently very expensive, and computer simulations are not yet refined enough or are too computationally expensive.
"Right now the majority of numerical simulations are either fully two-dimensional or are three-dimensional, but use highly simplified, effectively two-dimensional models for the turbines. Neither approach can capture the vertical flows, which are critically important in the energy dynamics of a VAWT system," Craig said.
Craig and her colleagues believe that this lab experiment and similar follow-ups offer important possibilities both for in-field arrangements and refining numerical simulations. They conducted the experiment in the large water flume at the Bob and Norma Street Environmental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory in the department of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford, with the system's water flow effectively representing the wind flow.
Craig set up roughly 1,300 1-inch gears between plates, which were reconfigurable during the experiment. On top of these gears sat approximately 300 rotating cylinders mounted to create a 10-foot-long array, with the cylinders effectively representing VAWTs. They tested a total of 10 different arrays with different configurations.
"The three variables I was looking at were spatial configuration, rotational configuration, and height configuration of the elements," Craig said. "I wanted to find out how the interactions between elements could set up larger scale flow patterns."
The experiment illuminated the VAWTs' time-space averaged vertical flow, which is significant for turbine arrangements.
"What I saw is this net vertical flow from above the array, down into the array and out the sides of the array, which was somewhat unexpected." Craig said. "These net vertical and transverse flows eliminate horizontal homogeneity within the array and introduce a new mechanism by which the energy resource within an array can be replenished."
For future studies, Craig said this experiment offers important insights for both numerical and in-field testing.
"The three-dimensionality of the flow through the array is critical to understanding the energy dynamics of the system," said Craig. "This paper really focuses on allowing us to design appropriate numerical and experimental studies."
Craig is optimistic about VAWT technology and its potential uses, noting that in the future it might be interspaced within HAWT arrays and brought to places that are not amenable to the much larger HAWTs, such as islands and cities. She says that VAWTs could also potentially be less environmentally impactful than HAWTs.
"We should consider numerical or even field experiments with larger numbers of VAWTs because the laboratory experiments have shown that the physical mechanisms are there for these larger arrays of turbines to work," Craig said.

US grid can handle more offshore wind power

US grid can handle more offshore wind power by Staff Writers Newark DE (SPX) Feb 22, 2017

Injecting large amounts of offshore wind power into the US electrical grid is manageable, will cut electricity costs, and will reduce pollution compared to current fossil fuel sources, according to researchers from the University of Delaware and Princeton University who have completed a first-of-its-kind simulation with the electric power industry. Image courtesy Jeffrey Chase/University of Delaware.
Injecting large amounts of offshore wind power into the U.S. electrical grid is manageable, will cut electricity costs, and will reduce pollution compared to current fossil fuel sources, according to researchers from the University of Delaware and Princeton University who have completed a first-of-its-kind simulation with the electric power industry.
The researchers consulted with PJM Interconnection - a grid operator supplying electricity to more than 60 million people in 14 states - to develop a computer model that simulates how the electric grid would respond to injections of wind power from offshore wind farms along the East Coast at five build-out levels, between 7 and 70 gigawatts of installed capacity. The two-part study is published in the journal Renewable Energy.
One hurdle grid operators face is how to integrate increasing amounts of naturally fluctuating offshore wind into a network that has to deliver reliable power to customers, 24-7. The UD and Princeton team showed conservatively that, with some upgrades to transmission lines but without any need for added storage, the PJM grid can handle over 35 gigawatts of offshore wind - that's 35 billion watts - enough to power an estimated 10 million homes. They also found that the PJM grid could in the future handle twice that amount, up to 70 gigawatts, as wind forecasting improves, allowing the power operator to better predict and harness more wind.
"Our goal was to replicate this very human-made energy system under all kinds of scenarios," said Cristina Archer, associate professor of physical ocean science and engineering at the University of Delaware. "What would you do as a grid operator if you thought it was going to be windy today and it isn't, or if the wind storm arrives earlier than expected? We simulated the entire PJM grid, with each power plant and each wind farm in it, old and new, every five minutes. As far as we know, this is the first model that does this."
From her office in UD's Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory, Archer led the team's efforts to generate realistic offshore wind forecasts based on real wind farm data from land-based systems, which colleagues at Princeton then incorporated into their model of the PJM electric power system. The team used stochastic modeling, running hundreds of forecasts with various tweaks in conditions, to realistically represent the fluctuating and sometimes unpredictable behavior of wind.
The model of PJM, called Smart-ISO, created at Princeton, is designed to handle both the variability and uncertainty of growing inputs of offshore wind energy, simulating what happens over an extensive power grid with more than 60,000 miles of transmission lines.
"The uncertainty of wind will require that we develop strategies to minimize the need for spinning reserve," said Warren Powell, professor and lead researcher at Princeton in charge of the SMART-ISO model, referring to electric generators that need to keep "spinning" and be ready for any electricity shortage. "Although we found that reserves were needed - 21 percent of the 70 gigawatt wind capacity - there are a number of strategies that could be investigated to better handle the variability as wind grows in the future."
The first U.S. offshore wind farm, consisting of five wind turbines at Block Island, Rhode Island, with a generating capacity of 30 megawatts, had not been built yet when the researchers began their study five years ago. The 70 gigawatts offshore modeled in this study would be almost equal to the total U.S. wind power capacity installed on land through the end of 2016.
Archer says that adding more offshore wind farms would lower consumers' electricity costs and reduce pollution by replacing coal and natural gas power plants.
"We saw up to a 50 percent reduction in carbon and sulfur dioxide and up to a 40 percent reduction in nitrogen oxides emissions at the highest build-out level, a 70-gigawatt set of wind farms. Plus, the costs of electricity would go down every month except in July when air conditioning is at a peak," Archer said. "Wind power is a very good idea - for people's health and their wallets."

SOVENTIX developing solar parks of up to 140 megawatts in Alberta, Canada

File image.
SOVENTIX Canada Inc. has commenced the development of several solar projects with a capacity of up to 140 megawatts (MWp) in Alberta, Canada. The six projects with a potential nameplate capacity from 15 to 45 MWp are located near Calgary and Edmonton. Building on Soventix Canada's success in the Ontario, the current projects will further drive the expansion of SOVENTIX in the Canadian solar market.
"With our long-standing expertise in international markets and the use of best-in class technology, we are able to offer investors attractive investment opportunities in Canada. We are excited about the projects we are developing in Alberta and look forward to bringing these projects into operation under Alberta's new initiative to incentivize the procurement of new renewable energy generation", says Michael Kendon, Managing Director, SOVENTIX Canada.
"In Ontario we have a proven track record of developing and delivering successful larger scale operating PV projects - and we are bringing that expertise to Alberta, making us a strong partner for investors looking to that market."
SOVENTIX' expansion in Alberta Due to the demand by investors for solar projects in North America, and in anticipation of the expected REP, SOVENITX Canada expanded its current field of operations to Alberta, identifying and screening a number of sites.
At the time of the REP announcement in November 2016, the company had established six projects, which are located near Coronation, Vilna, Duchess and Fort Macleod. Land control has been secured and all projects are being developed in preparation for the first RFP.
SOVENTIX is going to carry out the total development of the projects and is seeking partners who are interested to participate in the upcoming RFP process as long-term owners of the operating solar parks.
Attractive perspectives for Soventix' Canadian business The Canadian solar market holds attractive perspectives for SOVENTIX - the company continues to play an active role in the bidding processes in selected Canadian markets. Last year SOVENTIX closed important strategic alliances with SolarShare, Ontario's leading renewable energy co-operative investment fund for the delivery of 11 Feed-in-tariff PV projects that went into construction at the end of 2016.
"The Canadian market has potential and the necessary foundations for appropriate participation in growth have been laid. The positive development of our Canadian business shows that we are on the right track. We are planning to expand our activities to enable our investors to participate in the attractive prospects of the Canadian solar market", says Claas Fierlings, Managing Director of Soventix GmbH.

Conergy announces sale of a 3.75 MW solar PV plant in Japan

The PV plant is expected to produce approximately 4,166 MWh of solar power annually
Conergy Japan K.K. (Tokyo), the Japanese subsidiary of Conergy, has signed an agreement for the sale of a fully operational 3.75 MWp solar photovoltaic (PV) plant in Sannohe, Aomori Prefecture.
Conergy provided its full end-to-end solar services to the Sannohe Solar Power 1 GK (SSP1) plant – which included project development, full turn-key EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) and Operations & Maintenance services.
Conergy Japan collaborated with Center Denki KK on the local construction of the PV plant.
The SSP1 project is located on a 9.755 hectare site and has been operational since December of last year. The plant is expected to produce approximately 4,166 MWh of solar power annually.
Solar power supplied by the plant is being sold to Tohoku Electric Power Corporation through a 20 year power purchase agreement (PPA)
source: .

Fronius adds numerous additional functions to its online portal Fronius Solar.web

The clear and comprehensive portal allows operators to easily monitor and analyse data from their own solar PV system(s)
Fronius Solar Energy (Wels, Austria) has recently overhauled its Fronius Solar.web online portal for photovoltaic systems. Replete with its new look, the clear and comprehensive portal allows operators to easily monitor and analyse data from their own solar PV system(s).
Among the new features available is a remote update function for the inverter software, which the user can initiate at a click of a button.

Remote inverter software update
Fronius has also enhanced the reporting tool, meaning it is now possible to track the daily production and consumption figures more accurately than before.
One of the innovations for this portal is the Remote Inverter Software Update. This allows users to quickly, easily and efficiently update the inverter software at the click of a button, without having to physically go to the system.
Time is not the only saving here; the solution is more cost effective too. Simply install software version 3.7.4-6 on the Datamanager to enjoy the convenience of updating your Fronius inverter(s) at any time.

New design for greater user-friendliness
Operators can now configure their reports in Solar.web in a new layout. The menu items “Production”, “Energy Balance” and “Subsidy Report for Storage Systems” allow all the important information to be viewed, such as the system’s daily production figures, hourly consumption or the state of charge of the battery.
Users who pay for the Premium account can also customise their reports.
This means that users can choose the time period covered by the report themselves. Furthermore, all the available components and channels in the system are shown and can be selected as desired,” explains Thomas Obermueller, product manager at Fronius International GmbH.
The Speicherfoerderung and Energy Balance report are free and can therefore be used by non-Premium users too.

Greater clarity and practical warranty extensions
The user can choose to have their system overview displayed in tile-form or in list-form. The latter option is particularly helpful if the user has several systems linked to their Solar.web account at the same time. Product registration is another area to have been modernised, meaning it is now even easier to register an inverter and claim the free warranty incentive.
The weather-service function on the overview page shows the current situation at the system’s location, while the forecast helps to better plan the consumption of solar energy. In addition, warranty extensions can also be arranged via Solar.web. 

SEIA hosts inaugural codes conference to help industry continue solar energy's rapid growth

SEIA helps its members and the industry actively monitor and develop codes and standards to foster a strong solar industry and facilitate solar's deployment
The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) is hosting its inaugural Codes & Standards Symposium Mar. 7–8, gathering the industry and stakeholders in Santa Barbara, California, to discuss the patchwork of requirements to install solar on homes and buildings.
The event comes after a year of torrid growth for solar, which grew 95 percent in 2016 and doubled its previous annual record.
The symposium will feature the industry's foremost experts sharing their knowledge of the complex world of solar codes and standards, which are key to driving solar's continued rapid expansion.
The event will advance the industry's technical and regulatory knowledge of permitting, technology, codes (building, fire, structural and electrical) and standards developments in the solar market.
Charlie Gay, Director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technologies Office, will keynote the symposium, topping an agenda filled with leaders from across the solar industry.
Specifically designed by and for solar codes and standards professionals and their colleagues in research, design, and marketing, symposium attendees will gain insights on today's biggest issues. 

E.ON announces two 9.9 MW energy storage projects in Texas

The energy storage projects will be capable of responding to shifts in power demand more quickly
The energy storage projects will be capable of responding to shifts in power demand more quickly
E.ON North America on February 28th, 2017 announced its Texas Waves energy storage projects will be co-located at the existing E.ON Pyron and Inadale wind farms in West Texas.
Texas Waves consists of two 9.9 megawatt (MW) short duration energy storage projects using lithium-ion battery technology.
The Texas Waves energy storage projects will be co-located at the existing Pyron and Inadale wind farms in West Texas. The projects will be the second and third grid connected lithium-ion battery systems installed by E.ON in North America. Iron Horse (pictured), E.ON's first energy storage project is currently under construction southeast of Tucson, Arizona. All three projects will be online by the end of 2017.
“Our Texas Waves projects allow us to break new ground and establish ourselves in the storage business in the Texas market, complementing our more than 2.7 gigawatts of operating wind capacity in the state,” said Steve Trenholm, President of E.ON Solar & Energy Storage.
The projects are designed to provide ancillary services to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) market and will be capable of responding to shifts in power demand more quickly, increasing system reliability and efficiency.
Iron Horse, E.ON's first grid connected lithium battery system project, is a 10 MW energy storage facility with an adjacent 2 MW solar array southeast of Tucson, Arizona, and is expected to be in operation in the first half of 2017.
E.ON will be partnering with Greensmith Energy, the leading provider of energy storage software and services, for the Texas Waves projects. 

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Immense Energy Need Pushing Nigerian Solar Market Past its Challenges

Despite the strains the economy suffered as a result of the fall of oil prices, Nigeria might gain some consolation due to its changing regulatory framework meant to support solar energy.
To fully understand the inherent characteristics of the Nigerian solar market, Solarplaza organized the webinar: Nigeria’s Solar Market: Opportunities and Challenges in an Evolving Landscape. This webinar was a preparation for The Solar Future Nigeria, a 2-day conference taking place in Lagos on 25-26 April 2017. 200+ executives will gather and connect to discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie in the immediate future for Nigeria’s solar Power Market.
Assessing Nigeria’s economic and energy situation
“Nigeria’s population will add 80 million people and double its GDP output by the year 2030”
Nigeria is not only the most populous country in Africa, home to 180 million people in 2015, but it has also overtaken South Africa as the largest economy in the region, with a GDP of $480 billion. It is also estimated that Nigeria’s population will add 80 million people and double its GDP output by the year 2030. In order to achieve such growth however, Nigeria would require a substantial increase and improvement of its current energy situation to meet the heaping demand.
“Nigeria’s energy situation is far from ideal for several reasons” claims Godwin Aigbokhan, the executive secretary of the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria (REAN), the local umbrella committee for renewable associations. “As a result of low investment, high corruption, poor planning and inadequate maintenance, the status of Nigeria’s on-grid sector is rather unfavorable to say the least.”
The electrification rate in the country amounts to a mere 126 kWh per capita which not only is miniscule compared to developed countries but also lags behind regional values. The availability of grid-supplied electricity isn’t in great shape either, as electricity was only supplied for 6.2 hours on average per day, between 2013 and 2015. Furthermore, stemming from the substandard condition of the grid system, only 25-30% of the total installed capacity is actually readily available for consumers, amounting to 12 GW of true grid power capacity. Because of the imperfect infrastructural situation, self-generation is a common phenomenon, amounting to 8-14 GW of total energy consumption.
The core issue with self-generation as it is right now, however, does not lie in the main grid’s underutilization, but rather in the overutilization of costly fossil fuel generators. Diesel and petrol generators are the most common self-electrification methods in Nigeria and place a considerable financial burden on consumers. The rise in prices depicted in Figure 1 gives insights into how pressing of an issue it is for the country to diverge from the above mentioned sources. To put these prices into perspective: the local price of generation from solar energy is estimated to be 15.5 Naira (at the time of the article the official exchange rate is 1 Naira = 0.0032 USD).
“Considering electricity generation with diesel was projected to increase to $16.4 billion by 2016, energy generation constitutes an immense financial burden on Nigerians.”
The use of petrol and diesel generators is, by no means, inherent to the residential sector. It is estimated that 17 million SMEs rely on generators for an average of 8 hours/day for 25 days/month. Generators accounted for 80% of the total $5.2 billion fuel costs that was spent in 2012. Considering that this value was projected to increase to $16.4 billion by 2016, energy generation constitutes an immense financial burden on Nigerians.
Nigerian solar sector at a glance
The future of Nigeria need not to be as gloomy as the current numbers would suggest. The light of hope comes, quite literally, from the country’s outstanding solar potential. Global Horizontal Irradiation levels range from 3.5 kWh/m2/day in coastal regions to about 9.0 kWh/m2/day in Northern borders, as pointed out by Mr. Aigbokhan. The government, in an attempt to exploit this potential, has put forth a wide range of policies in recent years. Such policies include a variety of tax incentives on renewable energy related investments as well as targets to increase rural electrification and the share of renewable energy sources in Nigeria’s current energy mix. With such actions the country is hope to advance the current state of its solar sector.
“To get a clear picture of where the local solar sector is headed, it is imperative to take the evolution of general Nigerian energy sector into account” emphasizes Erabor A. Okogun the CEO of Middle Band Solar One. In the initial phases, Nigeria mainly sourced power from hydroelectric sources through publicly owned power plants. Consecutively, Nigeria commenced the adoption of fossil fuel plants to widen the energy mix and increase energy security. This phase saw the emergence of privatized power with increased emphasis on the bankability of power projects. Since climate change became a central issue in the power sector’s design, cleaner sources of energy were starting to enjoy priority. As a result, following the power sector’s trend, privately owned solar projects are proving to be a good fit with the country’s needs.
“A shift from unsolicited tenders to solicited ones could well change the future energy landscape.”
As a pioneer, Mr. Okogun took part in the project development of the largest sub-Saharan PV plant, the Middle Band Solar One project. His involvement in the project resulted in unique, practical insights into the dynamics of solar project development which boiled down to a scheme of establishing Independent Power Producer (IPP) agreements (Figure 2). The 120MW project commenced with contacting local, publicly owned liability company, Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trade (NBET) in 2012. Mr. Okogun highlighted that the involvement of international financiers in the very early phases of the project timeline, roughly 1-2 years after initial talks, was essential in the project’s success. The next major step was obtaining the licensing required for the project. This process started in September, 2014 and ended with the acquisition of licenses in December, 2015 taking slightly longer than a year.
After the proper licenses were obtained and the project got financial backing, the negotiation of the Put Call Option Agreement (PCOA) and Power Purchase Agreements followed. Whereas the latter has seen consensus after a 2-year-long negotiation, the PCOA is still in negotiation, after two years, preventing the project from reaching financial close. The construction is expected to take 15 months – however, the project can be connected to grid incrementally by 5-10 MW at a time. Mr Okogun highlights meticulous project development and sector bankability as key success factors in bringing solar projects to life.
Off-grid sector: powering the rural and the remote
The development of microgrid and off-grid sectors are also crucial aspects the Nigerian government must tend to in order to facilitate the country’s economic development. The weak grid infrastructure and the approximated 100 million inhabitants without access to grid present a huge potential for non-grid applications. “Despite the clear demand however, there are several issues that have to be kept in mind for both micro-grid and off-grid plants” urges Femi Adeyemo, CEO of Arnergy, a company that specializes in designing solar energy systems in Africa.
One of the problems with micro-grid PV plants presents itself from the investor’s perspective. While long-term capital would be essential to establish such projects, Nigerian commercial banks do not provide financial means to overcome this obstacle. Simultaneously, heavy local currency volatility was another discouraging factor for investors recently. On the buyer’s side it is a considerable matter of concern that prices of electricity sourced from microgrids tend to be higher than that off the grid. “Even so, with higher risk comes more opportunities for less risk-averse investors” says Mr. Adeyemo.
Similarly, there are issues that burden the development of off-grid applications such as PAYGO and roof-top installations. Energy theft remains to be a recurring problem. However, with employment of new technologies, these risks can be significantly mitigated. Regarding the business model adopted for off-grid sales, it is still not clear whether energy as a service or leasing to own will be the prevailing form as neither have managed to capture significantly bigger market share compared to the other. An encouraging sign for the off-grid sector, on the other hand, comes in the form of direct governmental investment into different applications amounting to nearly USD 30 million.
Overall, the need for solar PV energy is clearly present in the Nigerian market and this need will potentially increase in the future. While significant risk factors have limited investor interest in the country, the government’s adoption of IPPs should act to facilitate projects. Likewise, direct governmental support in the sector is intended to promote the off-grid sector. Judging by the projected growth in demand and the fit solar PV offers in addressing current issues, Nigeria will undoubtedly continue to increase its attractiveness towards investors looking to solidify the country’s solar power potential.

source: ElectricityHub.  

BMW May Move Planned Electric Mini Production To Germany, From UK

BMW is currently considering whether to move planned production of the upcoming electric Mini model to Germany (rather than the UK), according to prominent German paper Handelsblatt. BMW’s plans are to release an electric Mini in 2019.
The reason for the possible move is the one that would be expected: concerns about the effects of the UK’s possible exit from the European Union Single Market.
If the switch occurs, then according to Handelsblatt, production will likely take place in Regensburg and Leipzig. Though, another option is that the electric Mini will be produced in the Netherlands via contract manufacturer Nedcar.
Current plans are reportedly for BMW execs to begin talks with the UK government in the coming week. A final decision is likely to be made during the second half of 2017.

Swedish Breeze reaches Germany

 Joule to install the management system for wind assets

Swedish Breeze reaches Germany image
Developer GP Joule will install Breeze wind farm management systems from Swedish company Greenbyte on its German assets.
The German company will use the products to monitor, analyse and optimise its 23 wind farms in the country, it said.
The system, which uses cloud-based software to increase generation, is used in more than 360 wind farms in 20 countries.
GP Joule manages 145MW of wind capacity in Germany.
“We found Breeze to be the most modern and capable system on the market and simply put the one that best meets our needs,” GP Joule service manager Stefan Jensen said.

With a mileage of 160 km, this solar electric car is the answer to the increasing air pollution


In response to the deteriorating air quality and growing vehicular population in India, team SolarMobil of Manipal Institute of Technology has developed a prototype for a four-seater sedan car designed to run on solar power as opposed to natural oil resources.
Recognising the urgent need for sustainable energy and transportation, the 33-member SolarMobil team, comprising students from various disciplines of engineering from Manipal University, have built their third car. The SolarMobil Series 1 (SM S1) is India’s first four-seater family solar passenger car with improved performance and safety standards.
The SolarMobil team of Manipal University built their third solar electric passenger car.

Sustainable transport: an option for survival

According to a report by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) 2015, air pollution is one of the top 10 killers in the world and is the fifth leading cause of death in India. “Air pollution results in about 6,20,000 premature deaths which are caused by stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, lower respiratory infections and trachea, bronchus and lung cancer, among others," the CSE report claimed
Every year, millions of motor vehicles are added to the Indian roads, which consumes close to 200 million barrels of fuel. As a result, the increased pollution and air toxicity have lead to various health hazards, more often than not leading to death. In 2016, the health ministry stated that the increase in particulate matter caused serious health consequences, costing an estimated three percent of India’s GDP.
Assembling the chassis ladder at the workshop
The students at Manipal University believe that sustainable transport is the only option left for survival. “It is the dream we dream at SolarMobil. The dream to breathe cleaner, hear better, and see clearer,” says 20-year-old Ayush Sinha, a member of the management team.  
This is the third car built by the Manipal University student team. The team has previously designed and built prototypes based on two solar cars – Freyr-1 in 2013 and Solar Electric Road Vehicle (SERVe) in 2015, which won them the third place at the CII India Innovation Challenge 2014.

Salient features of the car

The SM S1 car is a four-seater, solar-powered family car with improved performance and safety standard. It is an improved and enhanced version of their previous car, SERVe, which was a two-seater electric road vehicle.
The SolarMobil Series 1 design prototype.
The team made a conscious effort to create a vehicle which can be driven for commercial purpose on the Indian roads. A sedan-style design with an enhanced boot space, the SM S1 can travel 160 km on a full charge and has a top speed of 90km/hr. Further, the SM S1 series aims to provide real-time updates for the driver and has a zero emission feature.     

Passion for protecting the environment

At the workshop
The students are driven by the challenge to develop transportation solutions which are independent of natural oil resources. Juggling academics and research, the team, a mix of mechanical, electrical, and management students, work from 8 am to 11 pm. Post classes and labs, the team spends the entire time, including weekends, in the workshop and the SM S1 car is a result of 18 months of hard work.
Despite getting funding from the Manipal Education and Medical Group and TATA power Solar, the car prototype faced a delay of approximately six months. The team faced difficulty in procuring components specific to their design. Also, due to budget constraints finding a dealer or a manufacturer who could customise parts according to their requirement proved to be very hectic.
Hence, the team relies on crowdsourcing to gain financial assistance for logistics and maintenance. Since all the components are not easily available in the market, the external monetary support helps the students to manufacture few parts in-house in the workshop itself.

French Renewable Energy Group set up in Indonesia

French delegates established on Tuesday a new business group representing French companies that aim to tap into the huge potential in Indonesia’s renewable energy sector.
The new group, named the French Renewable Energy Group (FREG), comprises companies that already operate or have interests in investing locally and a branch of France’s largest renewable energy organization, Syndicate for Renewable Energy (SER).
French Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Marc Ayrault acknowledged Indonesia’s ongoing efforts to increase the use of renewable energy sources to make up 23 percent of all domestic energy needs by 2025, saying that France was willing to share its expertise with its counterparts.

“We have many innovative and high-achieving companies in France. The new energy group that we have formed in Indonesia will be a stage where we can show off France’s strengths in the energy sector,” said Ayrault, who is also former French prime minister, during the FREG launch at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s office.
He also hoped that the newly-founded group could strengthen bilateral cooperation in this sector.
FREG is expected to enhance business-to-business contact between French and Indonesian companies and to encourage more French renewable energy companies to invest in Indonesia.
Furthermore, the group will work together with the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI) to help identify and develop renewable energy projects in the country. (lnd)

SunPower starts construction on 56 MW Gala solar PV plant in Oregon

At the Gala site, SunPower E-Series panels will be installed on the SunPower Oasis trackers
SunPower Corp. (San Jose, CA, U.S.) on February 27th, 2017 announced that construction has started on the 56-megawatt (AC) Gala Solar Power Plant in Crook County, Oregon.
The PV project, which is expected to be the state's largest operating solar power plant when it is completed by the end of 2017, is anticipated to create approximately 300 jobs during peak construction.
SunPower's third-generation “Oasis” platform for solar power plants will be installed on the site to maximize the project's long-term energy production.
“While solar is cost-competitive today, SunPower is continuing to drive the cost of energy down through innovation and integrated complete solutions such as our Oasis platform,” said Ty Daul, SunPower vice president, Americas Power Plants.
“Solar power projects deliver a range of regional benefits, including job creation and affordable emission-free power,” added Ann Beier, assistant planning director, Crook County Community Development.
SunPower has contracted with Moss, an award-winning national construction firm ranked among the top building and solar contractors, as the general contractor for the project.
At the Gala site, high efficiency SunPower E-Series panels will be installed on the SunPower Oasis trackers, enabling more megawatt hours per acre to be generated compared to conventional solar technology. SunPower E-Series panels are backed by SunPower's industry-leading 25-year combined power and product warranty. 

Monday 27 February 2017

WWF to petition Eskom on renewable energy

World Wildlife Fund South Africa has launched a petition calling on Eskom to expedite the use of renewable energy in the country as part of this year’s Earth Hour campaign.
Earth Hour is an annual global event during which people are encouraged to switch off their lights on the last Saturday in March from 8.30pm to 9.30pm local time as a symbolic gesture marking the environmental challenges facing the planet.
This year‚ WWF-SA has decided to go one step further for Earth Hour by asking people to sign a petition addressed to Eskom‚ which has been stalling over the implementation of renewable energy contracts.
Since 2016‚ Eskom has refused to sign further contracts under the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme‚ which would put more renewable energy on the grid.
The utility is resolutely pursuing an electricity programme that relies heavily on coal and is actively promoting an expensive nuclear build.
Dr Morné du Plessis‚ CEO of WWF South Africa‚ said: “In order to avoid the extreme impacts of runaway climate change‚ we need to reduce our carbon emissions urgently by introducing more renewable energy into the energy mix. Yet the bulk of South Africa’s carbon emissions come from electricity generated by fossil fuels such as coal and oil. This has to change.

AES and AIMCo to acquire solar project developer sPower from Fir Tree Partners

The sPower portfolio includes 1,274 MW of solar and wind projects in operation or under construction
AES Corporation (AES; Arlington, Virginia) and Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), on behalf of certain of its clients, have agreed to acquire renewable energy provider FTP Power LLC (sPower, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.), from New York based private investment firm Fir Tree Partners and its minority owners, for USD 853 million in cash, plus the assumption of USD 724 million in non-recourse debt.
In connection with the transaction, AES and AIMCo will each directly and independently purchase and own slightly below 50% equity interests in sPower.
sPower, a Fir Tree portfolio company that the firm capitalized in 2014, owns and operates utility and commercial distributed electrical generation systems across the United States.
The sPower portfolio includes 1,274 MW of solar and wind projects in operation or under construction and a development pipeline of more than 10,000 MW located in the United States.
The operating assets and projects under construction are under long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with an average remaining life of 21 years.
After closing, AES’ ownership of renewable energy projects in operation and under construction will grow from 8,278 MW to 9,552 MW, including hydro, wind, solar and energy storage.
“We are very pleased to acquire sPower, the largest independent solar developer in the United States,” said Andrés Gluski, AES President and Chief Executive Officer.
“sPower not only brings 1.3 GW of installed capacity with an average remaining contract life of more than 20 years, but a first class management and development team with a pipeline of more than 10 GW of projects,”
The transaction is expected to close by the third quarter of 2017. 

Romeo Power expands to new EV battery pack manufacturing facility in Southern California

Porter Harris (Romeo Power Co-Founder, CTO) and Michael Patterson (Founder, CEO)
Romeo Power (Vernon, CA, U.S.), a southern California company, that designs and manufactures electric vehicle (EV) battery packs, has expanded their manufacturing capabilities just outside of Los Angeles to serve the EV markets in North America and Europe.
The new facility is 113,000 square feet, where it manufactures battery packs ranging in size from 1 kWh to 1 MWh.
“We are innovating in design, thermal management and materials to push electric vehicles to the next level, our high-energy density packs increase performance and range, helping auto makers win market share, Our modular gravimetric energy density exceeds 225 Wh/kg with volumetric energy density at or over 390 Wh/L.,” said Michael Patterson, Founder of Romeo Power.
The expansion supports the electric vehicle market as major auto manufacturers are introducing over 50 new electric vehicle models by 2020, the company notes.
Romeo Power is engaged to design and produce for several tier 1 OEM’s. In all, the company expects to be at 1 GWh of capacity by the end of 2017 on a single shift and quadruple its capacity in 2018 and then double again by the end of 2019. 

India increases solar park capacity target from 20 GW to 40 GW

Gujarat Solar Park in India
Gujarat Solar Park in India
India’s Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved an increase in solar park installed capacity target from 20,000 MW to 40,000 MW for projects to be development in solar parks and ultra-mega solar power projects, Mercom Capital Group, LLC (Austin, Texas, U.S.) reports.
Fifty solar parks each with a capacity of 500 MW or above will be constructed in various parts of the country, Mercom quotes the Government of India.

Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) will be the implementing agency.
The new solar parks will be constructed by 2019–2020 with central government financial support of Rs.81 billion (approx. USD 1.207 billion) and are expected to produce 64 billion kWh of solar power every year.
According to Mercom, the target capacity increase from 20 GW to 40 GW had been confirmed in the new budget. The solar parks will be developed in collaboration with state governments and union territory administrations, which are required to select the solar power park developer to develop and maintain the parks.
The park developers will be given a grant of up to Rs.2.5 million (approx. USD 37,271) to prepare a detailed project report on the park. Thereafter, Central Financial Assistance of up to Rs.2 million (approx. USD 29,816)/MW or 30 percent of the project cost, including grid-connectivity costs, whichever is lower, will be released under the program milestones.
Mercom had previously reported that 34 solar parks across 21 states aggregating 20 GW are under various stages of construction and completion. 
source: htt

Apple’s new campus will include one of the largest solar rooftop PV installations in the world

Apple Park will include 17 MW of rooftop solar PV

Apple on February 22nd, 2107 announced that Apple Park, the company’s new 175-acre campus, will be ready for employees to begin occupying in April.
Apple Park will include 17 megawatts of rooftop solar, one of the largest on-site photovoltaic (PV) installations in the world.
Envisioned by Steve Jobs as a center for creativity and collaboration, Apple Park is transforming miles of asphalt sprawl into a haven of green space in the heart of the Santa Clara Valley, reads the press release.
The campus’ ring-shaped, 2.8 million-square-foot main building is clad entirely in the world’s largest panels of curved glass, and Apple Park will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy. 

Zambia signs second Scaling Solar mandate to develop another 500 MW of renewable energy

 The new Scaling Solar mandate will begin with an initial procurement round of up to 200 megawatts (MW) of utility-scale clean energy
The Government of Zambia signed agreements on February 21st, 2017 for a second mandate with Scaling Solar, the World Bank Group program that is helping developing countries procure low cost, privately financed, solar power. 
This is Zambia’s second engagement with Scaling Solar and it follows successful auctions held in May 2016 for two solar photovoltaic (PV) plants of up to 50 MW each that attracted some of the world’s top renewable energy developers.

Tenders for up to four solar PV plant projects of 50 MW to 100 MW each
The new Scaling Solar mandate will begin with an initial procurement round of up to 200 megawatts (MW) of utility-scale clean energy, with subsequent rounds to follow with a goal of developing 500 MW of renewable power. The Request for Qualifications for the second round are expected to be released in late March 2017.
The Scaling Solar mandate will be led by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), Zambia, in close coordination with the Ministry of Energy, and is expected to comprise the structuring and tendering of up to four solar PV plant projects of 50 MW to 100 MW each. Each plant will be developed by different private sector sponsors through an open and competitive bidding process.
The two rounds in Zambia, along with Scaling Solar projects currently in progress in Senegal, Madagascar, and Ethiopia, will combine to develop and tender over 1.2 gigawatts of solar power, bringing much needed generation capacity to countries struggling to meet their power needs. The program is also expanding to other regions, with countries in Asia and the Middle East in discussions to join Scaling Solar. 