Thursday 2 March 2017

 The initiative will pay the installation costs for rooftop or top-of-pole mounted systems on school property
As part of a USD 300,000 grant, Duke Energy (Chalrlotte, NC, U.S.) on March 1st, 2017 announced it would pay 100 percent of the funds needed to install a solar photovoltaic (PV) system at seven North Carolina schools.
Schools applied for the grants last year. Working with Raleigh-based nonprofit NC GreenPower and modeled after its Solar Schools program, the initiative will pay the installation costs for rooftop or top-of-pole mounted systems on school property.
The program also provides monitoring equipment, training and curriculum to students and teachers.
“These systems will give students a chance to see solar power production firsthand and allow them to learn more about this energy resource,” said David Fountain, Duke Energy's North Carolina president.
“North Carolina is second in the nation for installed solar power. These seven schools will now be part of the state's success story.”
Any K-12 North Carolina school served by Duke Energy Carolinas was eligible to apply for the grant. NC GreenPower will use approved solar installation companies to manage the installation process. 

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