Thursday 2 June 2016

New IEA report: Rooftop solar PV could technically meet one-third of cities’ electricity demand by 2050

Cities mThe report finds that by 2050 rooftop solar PV could technically meet one-third of cities’ electricity demandust take the lead in the transition to a low-carbon energy sector, the International Energy Agency (IEA, Paris, France) said on June 1st, 2016, highlighting that urban areas account for up to two-thirds of the potential to cost-effectively reduce global carbon emissions.
In its annual report, “Energy Technology Perspectives 2016” (ETP 2016), the IEA offers long-term technology pathways that could limit the global temperature increase to no more than 2°C, in line with the goals set at the Paris climate conference (COP21) in December 2015. The most cost-effective approach involves deploying low-carbon options in cities, especially in emerging and developing economies.

Urban buildings to self-generate the electricity they consume
For instance, urban buildings provide useful space to self-generate the electricity they consume: by 2050, rooftop solar PV could technically meet one-third of cities’ electricity demand.
But while ETP 2016 shows that the COP21 goals are achievable, its Tracking Clean Energy Progress analysis reveals that progress deploying clean energy technologies worldwide is still falling worryingly short of what is needed.

Progress in solar PV and on-shore wind pushed the growth of renewable energy capacity to a record high
The IEA analysis reveals that there have been positive developments on some technologies: the total renewable energy capacity installed currently provides around 23% of global electricity generation, sustained by progress in solar PV and on-shore wind that pushed the growth of renewable energy capacity to a record high, exceeding 150 gigawatts in 2015.
This is an encouraging trend in line with the 2°C goal of having in excess of two-thirds of electricity generated by renewables in 2050. China is the largest renewable energy market, accounting in 2015 for more than half of the world’s new global onshore wind capacity and one-third of the solar PV capacity installed. 
The United States maintained its position as the second largest market in the world for renewable energy, sustaining a 40% growth rate in capacity additions over the past year.

One million electric vehicles on the road
In parallel, the global stock of electric vehicles on the road surpassed one million in 2015, a significant milestone, albeit the current stock is still small compared to the ambitious aim of deploying over one billion electric vehicles by 2050 to achieve the 2°C goal.
China and the United States were market leaders in total sales, and Norway kept its global lead in terms of market share, with almost one in four cars sold being electric, but the global share is still low, with only seven countries having more than 1% of electric vehicles in their market share.

SolarCity launches PV loan program in 14 U.S. States

SolarCity’s PV loan program is available in 14 U.S. States
SolarCity Corporation (San Mateo, CA, U.S.) has unveiled a new solar photovoltaic (PV) loan program – available in 14 states – that will allow many customers to immediately pay less for solar each month than they previously paid for utility bills and pocket thousands in additional dollars from applicable tax credits.
The company has leveraged its installation volume to negotiate extremely favorable terms on behalf of its customers. Fixed payment options will start around USD 50/month.
“We can now offer a loan that makes it possible for many customers to pay less for solar from day one, and still receive thousands back in tax credits on top of that,” said SolarCity CEO Lyndon Rive.
“This program will allow thousands of additional customers across the U.S. to install solar this year and start saving money immediately, and we expect to work with multiple lenders that will allow us to expand to several new states by the end of the month with the same great terms for our customers.”
SolarCity's new loans replace its popular MyPower product – which allowed SolarCity to provide more loans in 2015 than any other solar installer – with new options that include fixed payments and shorter terms. 
SolarCity's new solar loans are available today in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas and Washington D.C., and the company expects to announce new locations soon. 

GTM Research: U.S. solar PV prices will fall below USD 1 per Watt by 2020

 GTM Research expects pricing for fixed-tilt ground-mount solar PV systems to hit USD 0.99 per watt by 2020
According to GTM Research's (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.) latest report, the “U.S. Solar PV Price Brief H1 2016”, pricing for fixed-tilt ground-mount solar photovoltaic (PV) systems will hit USD 0.99 per watt by 2020.
This would achieve the Department of Energy’s ambitious SunShot target of USD 1.00 per watt by the end of this decade.
The new report breaks down U.S. residential, commercial and ground-mount PV pricing across 11 distinct hard and soft cost categories. Furthermore, it identifies areas for cost reductions and details pricing across five U.S. regions.

Solarcentury to build the largest rooftop solar PV system in East Africa

 Solarcentrury rooftop PV array in the U.K.

The London Distillery Company’s building in Athi River, Kenya will soon be powered by the sun. International solar photovoltaic (PV) company Solarcentury is to install an almost 1 MWp rooftop solar system that will generate enough solar electricity to power the whole building during daylight hours.
Solarcentury will design and install a solar PV hybrid system that will operate in parallel with the grid, or the diesel generator if the grid fails. The PV array will be connected to the grid and generating solar power by the end of the year.
The cost of the system will be paid for in six years; London Distillers will then enjoy free solar electricity for the lifetime of the system, Solarcentury emphasizes.
“We are excited to be delivering the largest commercial rooftop solar system in East Africa,” comments Guy Lawrence, Director of Solarcentury in East Africa.
“The PV system will be the fourth solar hybrid system Solarcentury has designed and installed in Kenya which is testament to the skill of our team as well as the relevance of this technology in Kenya, to help reduce reliance on diesel energy.” 

Tuesday 31 May 2016

EuPD Research awards ESTG “Top PV Supplier” seal

 ESTG is a B2B supplier of solar panels, inverters, mounting systems and other components

The European Solar Technology Group BV (ESTG) is rated as one of the best PV wholesalers in the Netherlands by Dutch PV installers. The market research company EuPD Research (Bonn, Germany) now honors ESTG’s success with the award of the „Top PV Supplier” seal.

Participants of the “European PV Installer Monitor 2015/2016” gave ESTG top marks for recommendation and for the distribution of solar modules and inverters.
”We are proud that ESTG is awarded as a Top PV Supplier in the Dutch market. This recognition shows we are on the right track and give us the motivation to improve ourselves. We would like to achieve the same recognition for our activities in Germany, Italy and France where we recently opened offices and operate under the company name ProPV GmbH,” says Klaas Galama, CEO and Owner of ESTG.

Top PV Supplier: How the Seal is awarded

The independent “Top PV Supplier“ seal is based on a multi-level analysis of brand perception, brand management and distribution of modules and inverters compiled from data based on the “European PV Installer Monitor”. The award gives interested parties an independent guidance in selecting their wholesaler since the “Top PV Supplier” seal is only given to wholesalers, whose brand is standing out in comparison to competitors.
ESTG is a B2B supplier of solar panels, inverters, mounting systems and all other components required for installation of a PV system. 

Asunim, Phoenix Solar to build the first licenced PV plant in Turkey

 Asunim Turkey reference PV plant

Asunim Turkey, a member of the Asunim group together with strategic partner Phoenix Solar AG (Sulzemoos, Germany) have been jointly awarded an order by Akfen Renewable Energy, a large Turkish conglomerate, to build a solar photovoltaic (PV) plant with a total capacity of 10.2 MWp in Elazığ in Eastern Turkey.
The PV project will be implemented in partnership with European Development Bank (EBRD) for which it is the first PV project ever in Turkey. The Elazığ photovoltaic power plant also is the first governmentally licensed project to be built in Turkey.

After completion the system will be the largest solar PV plant in Turkey
This includes the permission to build it as one large complex instead of as an array of single 1-MW-systems. Accordingly, the system will be the largest solar photovoltaic power plant in Turkey.
Asunim who have also been developing the project over the last four years will take on the actual construction. After completion, which is scheduled for September, 2016, the partners will also be in charge of operation and maintenance. The electricity will be sold to the grid.
“We are proud to have been awarded this second large project by Akfen Renewable Energies which also is another step forward in developing the solar energy road map of our country,” said Umut Gürbüz, spokesman for Asunim Turkey.
“It will contribute to consolidate and increase our already high market share in Turkey. In spite of the difficult terrain conditions, we have already begun with the mobilization work for the installation and are confident to deliver the project on time in cooperation with our partners at Phoenix Solar.” 

Berg Insight: The number of smart homes in Europe and North America reached 17.9 million in 2015

 Smart Homes and Home Automation: a report from Berg Insight analysing the latest developments on the connected home markets in Europe and North America

According to a new research report from Berg Insight (Gothenburg, Sweden), the number of smart homes in Europe and North America reached 17.9 million in 2015.
North America is the world’s most advanced smart home market and the region had an installed base of 12.7 million smart homes at the end of the year, a 56 percent year-on-year growth.
The strong market growth is expected to last for years to come, driving the number of smart homes in North America to 46.2 million by 2020, which corresponds to 35 percent of all households.
The European market is 2–3 years behind North America in terms of penetration and market maturity. At the end of 2015, there were 5.3 million smart homes in Europe and the market is forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 54 percent in the next five years to reach 44.9 million smart homes by 2020, which corresponds to 20 percent of all European households.

Comprehensive whole-home smart home systems include a mix of energy-, security- and communication services
The most successful products on the smart home market include smart thermostats, security systems, smart light bulbs, network cameras and multi-room audio systems. Major vendors of comprehensive whole-home smart home systems include a mix of energy-, security- and communication service providers and home automation specialists.
“There is no doubt that regular consumers in the future will own and operate a wide range of connected objects in their homes, from connected home appliances and luminaires to thermostats and security devices,” said Johan Svanberg, Senior Analyst, Berg Insight.
The smart home market is still in its infancy though and many smart home ecosystems are underdeveloped and products are often complicated to use.
“Attractive use cases, interoperable devices and well-implemented user interfaces are needed in order to accelerate the market,” added Mr Svanberg. Several ICT industry giants are now betting on voice driven user interfaces to make it easier to control smart home solutions. 

Enphase Energy receives TOP PV brand Netherlands 2016 seal from EuPD Research

 Enphase Energy solar PV inverter
Enphase Energy, Inc. (Petaluma, CA, U.S.) on May 30th, 2016 announced that it was awarded the premium EuPD Research “TOP PV Brand” seal of approval for its brand management and brand awareness among solar photovoltaic (PV) installers and solar professionals in the Netherlands.
Each year EuPD Research (Bonn, Germany) conducts Europe-wide surveys and prepares an independent evaluation on the perception of solar brands. For this year's survey, Enphase received a seal based on high scores for overall customer experience and satisfaction, which are the result of the company's emphasis on quality, and permeates all aspects of the business, from products to services.
“The award of this respected industry seal offers another confirmation of Enphase's commitment to product innovation, quality and technology leadership,” said Simon Baggaley, sales director, Benelux, Enphase Energy.
“Enphase not only stands for high-quality products, but also for our tireless proximity to the market and unrivalled customer-oriented service we work so hard to deliver. The fact that the EuPD seal is awarded according to installer feedback makes the achievement even more significant for us.”
Enphase delivers intelligent energy management systems that are easier to install, monitor and maintain, and give solar professionals a competitive edge in their business. The systems facilitate right-sized solar arrays and offer maximum design flexibility, and provide an unmatched customer satisfaction experience and superior lifetime energy performance.
“The PV inverter landscape is highly competitive in the Netherlands,” said Markus A.W. Hoehner, CEO, EuPD Research.
“In such a combative market, seals of approval do not just offer benefits for manufacturers, installers can differentiate themselves once they have proven that they are offering high-quality brands.”
The Dutch branch is not the only Enphase Energy subsidiary honoured. The UK division was also awarded the EuPD seal. 

Tom Kimbis named interim president of SEIA

Tom Kimbis will serve SEIA’s interim president starting June 1st, 2016
Tom Kimbis, general counsel and vice president of executive affairs for the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), will serve as the association’s interim president starting June 1st, 2016, SEIA’s leadership announced.
Kimbis has worked at SEIA since 2010, acting as the primary liaison for the U.S. solar industry to the federal executive branch and overseeing the trade association’s legal affairs department.
Most recently, Kimbis has overseen SEIA’s consumer protection campaign and he has been actively involved in federal policy related to large scale solar projects. A graduate of Williams College and the University of Virginia School of Law, Kimbis has 16 years of experience in renewable energy, including nine at the U.S. Department of Energy.
Rhone Resch, SEIA’s president and CEO for the past 12 years, announced in April that he was stepping down on May 31st. A national search for his replacement is currently underway. 