Tuesday 10 May 2016

The Storage Exploration Tour Germany from 2016-06-06 to 2016-06-09

The Storage Exploration Tour Germany

The Storage Exploration Tour Germany

from 2016-06-06 to 2016-06-09
03570 Berlin & Munich
Tel.: +31 (0) 10 280 9198
Fax: +31 (0) 10 280 9198
Further Information
The Storage Exploration Tour is designated to provide a fresh and in-depth understanding of storage strategy from one of the world’s largest storage players—Germany.

From Berlin to Munich, the event will explore all different facets of the German storage market in a 4-day intensive tour, with an exclusive delegation of high-level, international storage giants travelling from all over the world striving to gain a foothold in the German storage market. It will be an excellent opportunity to get in touch with the gurus and learn from the best. Sign up now for updates or learn more about the event!

Program in brief
Day 1 /// Monday 6 June
Arrival and Welcome

Closed-door Welcome Workshop

Company Presentation

Day 2 /// Tuesday 7 June
Project + Company Visit

Company Visit

Joint Closed-door meeting

German Cultural Networking Night

Day 3 /// Wednesday 8 June
Travel to Berlin

Company Visit

Interactive closed-door meetings

Day 4 /// Thursday 9 June
Utility / Grid operator project visit

Workshop accessible for external registrants

Contact persons:
For program matters regarding the event and its content, get in touch with Eveline Janson (eveline(at)solarpla.com).

For questions regarding exhibition and sponsorship opportunities, contact Bobby Carrington (bobby(at)solarplaza.com).

For inquiries on media partnerships and marketing opportunities, reach out to Riccardo Maistrello (riccardo(at)solarplaza.com).


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