Tuesday 10 May 2016

Martifer Solar, JV partners to develop a 63 MW solar PV project in Mexico with Canadian Solar

Martifer Solar SA reference PV plant in Baja California Sur, Mexico

Martifer Solar (Oliveira de Frades, Portugal), a subsidiary of Martifer SGPS, and its JV partners have signed a development agreement with Canadian Solar Inc. (Guelph, Ontario) for a 63 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) project in Aguascalientes, Mexico.
MIRE is a joint venture formed by Martifer Solar Sistemas Solares, S.A., Energía ECG, S.A.P.I de C.V. and Ithaca Environmental Ventures Limited to develop projects in Mexico.
MIRE began the development of this PV project in the end of 2015 and after a long process to obtain land control, the company managed to achieve an agreement with Canadian Solar prior to Mexico's first renewable energy auction.

15-year PPA with CFE
Canadian Solar won the 63 MWp PV project in Aguascalientes, Mexico, once connected to the grid the solar power will be sold to CFE (Comisión Federal de Electricidad), under a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement for energy and capacity and 20-year for Clean Energy Certificates.
The competitive tariff in the auction allows the electricity from the plant to be sold to CFE at USD 47.95/MWh. The PV plant will be built in Aguascalientes, which is a north-central state in Mexico, located approximately 500 km away from Mexico City. The project is expected to be operational by Q3, 2018.
“It is an honor work together with Canadian Solar on the development of this project and we are very pleased with this milestone achievement for our team in Mexico,” said Jesus Pacheco, Director of Development for Latin America from Martifer Solar.

Recent auction ended with an average price of USD 40.50/MWh for solar power
In a recent presentation published by CENACE (Centro Nacional de Control de Energía), it shows how competitive the auction was with 468 total offers presented and only 18 winning offers selected, of which 2,191 MW was solar PV and 394 MW was wind.
The PV projects selected in the auction will range in size from 18 MW to 500 MW and are spread out over six states: Guanajuato, Coahuila, Yucatan, Jalisco, Aguascalientes and Baja California Sur. The auction ended with an average price of USD 40.50/MWh for solar PV and USD 43.90/MWh for wind.

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