Tuesday 10 May 2016

Europe, world no 1 in renewables: European SmartGrids and PV platforms to address challenges of repowering Europe

On day 1: ETIP hosts the PV conference: “Photovoltaics: centre-stage in the power system”
The European Technology Platform on SmartGrids (ETP SG) and the European Technology and Innovation Platform Photovoltaics (ETIP PV) are jointly organising the conference: “Repowering Europe” on May 18th and 19th in Brussels. This two-day event will attract more than 300 participants all together.

Solar PV at the forefront of both the challenges and opportunities in transforming the grid
Most of Europe’s power system was built in the middle of the last century on the basis of centralised generation and passive distribution. This robust infrastructure has served us well even in the first waves of distributed power generation. Now Europe’s ambition to decarbonise its energy supply and to be world number one in renewables requires a step change in the way we adapt and operate our grids.
Solar photovoltaics (PV) is the generation technology most widely connected to distribution networks. As such it is at the forefront of both the challenges and opportunities in transforming the grid.
This is why the two European Technology and Innovation Platforms, Photovoltaics and SmartGrids, are teaming up this year to address in their annual events the state of the art and the technical and strategic challenges ahead to achieve a sustainable repowering of Europe facilitated by a smart, adaptive and integrated grid.

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