Wednesday 11 May 2016

Masdar to inaugurate five small-scale solar PV projects in the Pacific Island countries and territories

A solar PV plant in Rotuma, Fiji, is one of the three solar micro-grid projects in the country deployed by Masdar

A series of renewable energy projects made possible by the USD 50 million UAE-Pacific Partnership Fund (UAE-PPF) are set to be inaugurated in the Pacific Island countries and territories.
Five small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects, delivered by Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company Masdar, will come on stream across five island nations from May 10th–15th, 2016, marking the completion of the second cycle of the UAE-PPF.

PV plants will help reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels
The PV projects are designed to drive economic growth and sustainable development in the Solomon Islands, Nauru, the Marshall Islands, Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia.
The PV plants will help reduce the participating countries’ reliance on imported fossil fuels, drive job creation and capacity-building efforts, and contribute to each nation’s renewable energy targets.
“The projects coming online as part of Cycle 2 of the UAE-Pacific Partnership Fund represent a model for what the public and private sectors can achieve by working together,” said Masdar CEO Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi.
“With the support of our UAE partners and the governments of the island nations, Masdar has been able to deploy innovative, small-scale projects that meet the needs of the local communities.”

Renewable energy projects totaling 3.1 MW in Cycle 2 of the UAE-PPF
Once inaugurated, the renewable energy projects in Cycle 2 will deliver a total of 3.1 megawatts of clean energy and save 1.7 million litres of diesel fuel each year.
The first cycle of the fund saw Masdar complete small-scale solar PV and wind projects in Kiribati, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
Funding for the UAE-PPF is provided by the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, with oversight from the UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The Fund represents an important part of the UAE’s strategy to support sustainable development through the deployment of renewable energy projects in communities across the globe. 

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