Friday 10 March 2017

Student organization advocates for UW to switch to renewable electricity

A pledge to implement 100 percent renewable electricity by 2030 at UW-Madison could be on the table after The Climate Reality Project recently opened a new branch on campus.
Founded by former U.S. Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore, The Climate Reality Project is a worldwide organization dedicated to mobilizing action for climate change. The organization’s goal is to “spread the truth about the climate crisis and building popular support for clean energy solutions,” according to their mission statement.
The Climate Reality Campus Corps at UW-Madison has been focusing on “raising a lot of student awareness and support, and faculty support for the 100% Committed campaign,” according to Mary Pierce, a member of the group. The organization has had success at smaller universities, but bringing the cause to UW-Madison is part of their goal of spreading awareness on a larger scale.
“Especially because we are part of the Big Ten, we should be a leader, not a follower, for this cause,” Lydia Stiegman, also a member of the group, said. “If a campus like ours can sign on to this, we can help other campuses become a part of this too.”
UW-Stevens Point, Colorado State University and Hampshire College in Massachusetts are among those that already took the pledge to have their universities operate on 100 percent renewable electricity.
Members of the UW-Madison chapter have been petitioning at dining halls and elsewhere on campus to raise awareness for the campaign. Other student volunteers have been working on gaining endorsements from faculty and other student organizations.
The club is working to get signatures on a petition to bring to Chancellor Rebecca Blank.
“We want to show that there are thousands of students here who want an environmentally conscious campus,” Pierce said.

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