Monday 6 March 2017

Powerhouse Energy is AFC's first commercial fuel cell customer

picture of electricity meter

AFC Energy plc (LON:AFC) has made its first commercial sale of  a hydrogen fuel cell system.
The customer is fellow AIM-listed group PowerHouse Energy PLC (LON:PHE).
The two compnaies have been working on a beta version of a hydrogen gasification system since 2014 and Powerhouse’s G3-UHt unit will provide a hydrogen stream from which AFC’s fuel cells will produce electricity.
Powerhouse is to set up a demonstration version at the Thornton Science Park in March, with AFC scheduled to deliver the fuel cells in about eight months time.
The G3-UHt unit will connect to the micro-grid supplying power to the park. It works oxygen-free at ultra-high temperatures to atomise virtually all household or industrial waste to create syngas, which can be used to generate electricity.
PowerHouse anticipates having a high quality hydrogen stream (a component of the syngas produced) from the G3-UHt to successfully integrate with the fuel cell, to provide power.
Keith Allaun, Powerhouse’s executive chairman said, “AFC has demonstrated its commitment to developing the “Hydrogen Economy”, and we’ve seen tremendous progress on the part of both companies over the past two years.
"Now is the time, and the opportunity, to demonstrate our ability to use Distributed Modular Gasification to deliver hydrogen where, and when, it’s needed.
“The distributed hydrogen economy depends upon two things: the expansion of the fuel cell market, and a consistent ability to deliver inexpensive hydrogen. We are confident that our G3-UHt unit will do its part to drive this environmental imperative.”
Adam Bond, AFC’s chief executive added: “The successful integration of these two technologies could create significant new markets in clean distributed power generation and continue to grow the increasing prominence of the hydrogen economy in the UK and overseas.

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