Monday 13 February 2017

British Supermarket Chain Will Use Delivery Trucks Powered Entirely by Food Waste

Upmarket British supermarket chain Waitrose is already one of Earth’s greenest. It hasn’t put any food waste into landfills since 2012, and last year it introduced gluten-free pastas that reuse the leftover scraps for the packaging. Its latest eco-friendly move, though, takes aim at England’s food-waste problem — which continues to spiral out of control — by converting the scraps into fuel that powers its delivery trucks.
Per the U.K.’s Times, Waitrose is teaming up with an alternative-fuel supplier to “become the first company in Europe to use lorries which are run entirely on biomethane gas generated from food waste.” Waitrose says these trucks can travel up to 500 miles on that fuel type, which is essentially just the by-product of rotting vegetable matter. The technology allows the vehicles to run entirely on a source that’s 35 to 40 percent cheaper than diesel and emits 70 percent less carbon dioxide. Many would argue that’s reason enough for the switch, but it turns out trucks that run on biomethane fuel are also quieter than their noisy gas-guzzling counterparts, can be refueled faster, and even get better gas mileage. Waitrose’s supplier, CNG Fuels, estimates the savings on fuel alone should run between $18,000 and $25,000 a year per truck.

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