Friday 17 June 2016

Obama Administration announces federal and private sector funding for renewables and energy storage

The Administration announced new executive actions and 33 state and private sector commitments that will accelerate the grid integration of renewable energy and storage. Together, these announcements are expected to result in at least 1.3 gigawatts (GW) of additional storage procurement or deployment in the next five years.

An important moment for the energy storage industry
The Summit included regulators, power companies, municipalities, and energy developers that are leading efforts to promote smart electricity markets, greater grid integration of renewable energy, and flexible resources such as energy storage.
While the program specifics and tactical implementation details will start to become available in the days and months to come, it’s an important moment for the energy storage industry, comments Ravi Manghani, GTM Research's director of energy storage.

At least 1.3 gigawatts of additional storage; approx. USD 1 billion in investments
“Today’s announcement adds another theme for comparing the two markets. SunShot paved the way for solar PV cost declines in 2011, this collaborative storage commitment aims to result in at least 1.3 gigawatts of additional storage procurement or deployment in the next five years,” Manghani explains.
The federal government committing to increasing its storage and micro-grid capacity through programs will make federal and military bases more resilient and provide funding for micro-grids in rural communities.
Sixteen developers and power companies in at least eight states announced new energy storage procurement and deployment targets for the next five years. Investors announced USD 130 million in new funding commitments for energy storage.
“In aggregate, these new procurement, deployment, and investment commitments announced today could lead to approximately USD 1 billion in investments in energy storage,” says Manghani.

The second wave of U.S. energy storage: GTM business-as-usual outlook of seven-fold growth by 2021
In its base case scenario, GTM Research projects annual storage deployments to grow from 226 MW in 2015 to 2.1 GW by 2021. This will represent a seven-fold growth from 2015 deployments, and a compounded annual growth rate of 45 percent in the six-year period.
The base forecast assumes no major federal policy or state-level storage mandates across all 50 states. This forecast however, anticipates incremental favorable policy movements in states and regional markets where storage policies or market regulations already exist or are under discussion. For comparison, solar PV has grown from ~200 MW to 7.4 GW in 7 years (2008–2015) aided by federal tax credit policy and renewable portfolio standards in several states

White House storage boost
Now adding a nationwide storage public-private push into the equation will provide a well-earned boost to the market, and in all probability, an upward bump in the storage outlook. The market will receive a direct lift from the program investments, and additionally surge due to positive network effects from a well-funded and expanding industry ecosystem, find GTM Research.
“In all, the 33 commitments are a mix of new and already accounted for growth opportunities. Nonetheless, as the first executive office push for energy storage, it will undoubtedly galvanize the storage industry!,” concludes Manghani. 

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