Saturday 21 May 2016

New study: Solar power could supply 27% of U.S. electricity demand in 2050

The study finds that the 20 GW of solar installed as of the end of 2014 is already lowering annual greenhouse gases (GHGs) by 17 million metric tons, worth about USD 700 million per year

Solar power could deliver USD 400 billion in environmental and public health benefits throughout the United States by 2050, according to a study from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
“We find that an U.S. electric system in which solar plays a major role – supplying 14% of demand in 2030, and 27% in 2050 – would result in enduring environmental and health benefits,” said Ryan Wiser of Berkeley Lab’s Energy Technologies Area.
“Moreover, we find that the existing fleet of solar plants is already offering a down-payment towards those benefits, and that there are sizable regional differences in the benefits.”
The total monetary value of the greenhouse-gas and air pollution benefits of the high-penetration solar scenario exceeds USD 400 billion in present-value terms under central assumptions.
Focusing on the existing end-of-2014 fleet of solar power projects, recent annual benefits equal more than USD 1.5 billion under central assumptions.

Benefits of the Existing Fleet of Solar Projects
The study finds that the 20 gigawatts (GW) of solar installed as of the end of 2014 is already lowering annual greenhouse gases (GHGs) by 17 million metric tons, worth about USD 700 million per year if valued with a central estimate of the “social cost of carbon” – the Obama Administration’s estimate of the long-term damage done by one ton of carbon emissions. Over half of these benefits come from emissions reductions in California.

Benefits from a high-penetration solar energy future
Looking further ahead, with solar growing to 14% of demand by 2030 and 27% by 2050, the study finds GHG reductions of 13% in 2030 and 18% in 2050, compared to a scenario of no new solar.
These emission reductions are worth about USD 259 billion in reduced global climate damages based on central estimates, or 2.2 cents per kWh of solar.

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