Friday 27 May 2016

IRENA: Renewable energy employed 8.1 million people in 2015

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has published a new report. Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review presents the status of renewable energy employment, both by technology and in selected countries.
In this third edition, IRENA estimates that renewable energy employed 8.1 million people around the world in 2015 (excluding large hydropower). This is a 5% increase from the number reported the previous year.
In addition, IRENA conducted a second global estimate of large hydropower employment, showing approximately 1.3 million direct jobs in the sector.

Growth in jobs slowed down
While the growth in jobs slowed down compared to previous years, the total number of jobs in renewables worldwide continued to rise, in stark contrast with depressed labour markets in the broader energy sector.
Countries with the highest number of renewable energy jobs were China, Brazil, the United States, India, Japan and Germany.

Solar PV the largest renewable energy employer
Solar PV was the largest renewable energy employer with 2.8 million jobs worldwide, an 11% increase over 2014. Solar PV employment grew in Japan and the United States, stabilised in China, and continued decreasing in the European Union. Wind power witnessed a record growth year. Strong installation rates in China, the United States and Germany resulted in a 5% increase in global employment, to reach 1.1 million jobs. 

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