Sunday 27 November 2016

Morocco committed to mobilisation momentum during COP22 Mandate

 Morocco committed to mobilisation momentum during COP22 Mandate

Foreign Minister Saleheddine Mezouar has expressed Morocco’s commitment to carry on the momentum and mobilisation efforts during its mandate of the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP22) in Antananarivo.
“The Moroccan presidency is committed to perpetuating the momentum and mobilisation efforts during its 2017 mandate of the COP22,” Mezouar said during the 32nd session of the Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie on Thursday, MAP news agency reported.
While hailing the results of this global event held in Marrakech, he stressed that everyone will remember this COP, such as “the COP of action, the COP of inclusiveness, the COP of the commitment of all”.
Mezouar noted that the global climate action has taken a new dimension in Marrakech with the flourishing of structuring initiatives on key themes of sustainable development such as the Triple A initiative, launched by Morocco, promoting development in Africa, the global partnership for renewable energies and energy efficiency, which concerns the development of green energy and the rapid transformation of the global energy system.
The Minister said this COP, held in the African continent, responded to the call to place Africa at the heart of the global reflection.
He added that many initiatives have been launched to promote the sustainable development of the continent, mainly focusing on renewable energies and agriculture.
In this regard, Mezouar said that the African summit of action, which was chaired by King Mohammed VI on the sidelines of the COP, reinforced this momentum by reaffirming the commitment of the African leaders in promoting global efforts in order to combat climate change

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