Wednesday 31 August 2016

SunLink introduces TechTrack distributed single axis solar tracker

 Central to the solar tracker system's innovation is a design feature called “Dynamic Stabilization”

SunLink Corporation (San Rafael, California, U.S.) introduces the TechTrack Distributed single axis tracker, the second single-axis tracker in the company's TechTrack product line, joining the internationally deployed TechTrack Centralized.
Central to the system's innovation is a design feature called “Dynamic Stabilization” through which the characteristics of the tracker are changed depending on real-time, sensor-observed environmental conditions, reads the press release.
In addition, TechTrack Distributed solves the challenge associated with monitoring the thousands of electromechanical parts that make up a distributed tracker system via SunLink's VERTEX Project Intelligence Platform.
“We’re very excited about this revolutionary design,” says SunLink CEO Michael Maulick.
“It reflects the very best of SunLink’s legacy for mechanical and structural engineering excellence combined with the leadership we’re now demonstrating in the software and electrical engineering arenas. Only by leveraging the power of technology advancements such as IoT, big data, machine learning and more can the solar industry move beyond a niche energy player into a grid-enhancing asset, and the world’s dominant energy source. TechTrack Distributed demonstrates what’s possible.”
With both distributed and centralized tracker solutions as well as fixed-tilt and roof-mount products, SunLink’s full range of respected solar mounting products is able to meet the requirements of virtually any project site, anywhere in the world, the company emphasizes. 

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