Thursday 11 August 2016

Mitsubishi Corporation invests in US solar PV company Nexamp

Mitsubishi Corporation is seeking to expand its presence in distributed solar PV generation in the US. Image: Nexamp solar PV asset in the US.

Mitsubishi Corporation (MC, Tokyo, Japan) has reached an agreement to invest in US-based distributed generation company Nexamp Inc. (North Andover, Massachusetts).
Nexamp is engaged in development, construction, operation and maintenance, as well as asset management for distributed solar Photovoltaic (PV) generation projects, with a record of developing some 50MW of energy across the US northeast.
The initiative is being executed through Diamond Generating Corporation (DGC), MC’s wholly owned subsidiary in the US.
The company is seeking to expand its presence in this growing business area. For its part, by engaging in the distributed solar power generation business as the Nexamp’s main shareholder, MC sees this new challenge as part of its overall aim to maximize corporate value through business expansion and the transformation of its business models, reads the press release.
As it develops and operates its power generation businesses globally as an independent power producer (IPP), Mitsubis;postID=659822497189231946hi Corporation will continue to pursue new business models in keeping with the changes taking place in the business environment, the company notes. 

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